YAAA’s 9th Annual Men’s Health Day

Saturday, June 17, 2017 - 9:00am
various barber shops See map New Haven, CT


On Saturday, June 17, 2017, the YAAA will celebrate Men’s Health Month by partnering with local medical volunteers to provide blood pressure screenings to members of the New Haven community at participating local barbershops and salons.

Over the last nine years, the support of volunteers has been critical to the success of our Men’s Health Day event. These efforts have helped us inspire hundreds of people in the New Haven community to be proactive about their health. We need your support again this year. You can contribute to YAAA Men’s Health Day 2017 by becoming a volunteer.

Medical Volunteer - Medical Volunteers (all health care professionals) will administer blood pressure tests and provide feedback to participating community members.

On-Site Volunteer - Volunteers will work alongside our Medical Volunteers to manage the event and hand out information at individual locations.

All YAAA Men’s Health Day volunteers can also help gather and assemble supplies prior to the event at the kick off meeting.

YAAA is grateful for your support and look forward to partnering with you to promote men’s health awareness on Father’s Day weekend. If you’re interested in volunteering this year, please contact Jamaal Thomas at jamaal.thomas@yale.edu.