Young Professionals Symposium Provides Opportunities for Political Dialog and Career Development

November 18, 2015

The inaugural Young Professionals Symposium, which took place on October 24th at Yale University, brought together over 150 state officials, community leaders, and young professionals from across the state. The event promoted an engaging and enriching conversation about opportunities for young professionals in Connecticut.  
The symposium launched with keynote speeches from both Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman and Senator Richard Blumenthal. Lieutenant Governor Wyman encouraged young women to pursue Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education. “I truly believe that we should teach young women that becoming an engineer is absolutely wonderful, that women should become involved in things they have not been involved in before. It’s not about gender, but about what you want to do, and who you want to be.”
Senator Blumenthal addressed the student loans affecting young professionals: “We have been coming up with a plan to enable people to work off their student loans. Why not reward people for their public service? Young professionals, become involved: one leader can make a powerful difference.”
Representative Gail Lavielle, Senator Toni Boucher, Congressman Jim Himes, Mayor Toni Harp engaged in a panel on the ways Connecticut is working to attract and retain young professionals. The political panelists encouraged community involvement. Senator Boucher declared “It is critical as a young professional to find out what is happening in your local boards. You can help by immersing yourself. Our government depends on local involvement.” Congressman Himes continued the conversation mirroring the focus of the symposium: “If you are not part of the conversation [about issues related to the future], then you don’t win the conversation.” 
An afternoon of breakout sessions featuring community leaders covered topics of interest to young professionals: Tools and Strategies for Marketing Yourself Effectively, Networking and Community Building, Presenting Yourself Professionally: Overcoming Biases against Young Professionals in the Workplace, Establishing a Mentor Relationship, Work-life Balance for Young Professional Parents, Coaching for Young Entrepreneurs: Setting the Stage for Success, Public Speaking and Leadership Skills, Effective Interviewing Skills for Millennials, Continuing Education for Young Professionals, and Arts and Culture in Connecticut.
The Symposium could not have happened without the tireless efforts of the planning committee. A huge thanks to Alina Nevins, Faris Virani, Christine Nguyen, Ihssane Khatib, Katie Rowe, Mela Toro, and Alyssa Antunes for all of your hard work. 
More information about the Symposium, including the entire video recording, can be found at