September 29, 2014
On 9/11/14, FLY and CTYP held a charity networking fundraiser at Lucky Chao in downtown New Haven. Thanks to everyone’s donations and Lucky Chao’s generosity, we were able to raise over $270 for the Michael Lynch Memorial Foundation!
The MLMF is a scholarship program that offers grants to the children of lost firefighters and other victims of 9/11 for higher education. It has awarded over $4.3 million in scholarships in the last 12 years and we are proud to contribute to such a worthy cause.
To those of you who joined us, thanks for coming! If you missed this, there are many opportunities to join us coming soon, such as the United Way Day of Caring on 10/3, the Tommy Fund 5k Race on 10/5, and the Long Wharf Cleanup on 10/18.