FLY has formed a partnership with TIAA-CREF: we are pleased to announce a new early career financial education website, Starting Your Financial Life. Individuals early in their careers often have questions about personal finance, on topics such as budgeting and saving, student loans and debt management, and learning how to invest – this site seeks to answer some of those questions.
As a key member of Yale University, we invite you to take a few minutes to check out the site, and then answer a few questions to help TIAA-CREF better address your financial education needs.
Please follow this link to the TIAA-CREF site, Starting Your Financial Life: http://startingout.tiaa-cref.org/
Then, click here to access the short survey.
Your feedback will be used to help shape the content for other young professionals.
FLY plans to extend this partnership in the future by offering classes held by TIAA-CREF investment specialists about financial issues relevant to FLY members. Stay tuned for more information about this in the future.