New Haven Reads (NHR) has students waiting for volunteer tutors! Are you able to spend an hour a week supporting an aspiring reader?
It is more critical than ever that we support our community’s children in their reading as the recent publication of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) reading scores has shown that 84% of third graders in New Haven are reading BELOW grade level. (Read the New Haven Independent article here.)
If you have one hour a week to change the life of a child – please join NHR as a tutor! NHR provides all of the training and support you will need. Find out more by visiting their website here or contacting them at volunteer@newhavenreads.org! NHR’s most significant needs are after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at our 5 Science Park and 85 Willow Street locations and Tuesdays and Thursdays at Bishop Woods School. Thank you, Volunteers! Click here for the Volunteer Newsletter!