Career Advancement
4:30pm | Yale Networking and Opportunity Fair |
Want to learn about different areas of Yale? Want to network with hiring managers? Join the 8 Affinity Groups - ANY, DAY, FLY, LGBTQ, WWN, YAAA, YLNG, and YVN - and meet various hiring managers from across campus. You will also get an opportunity to network with the Yale HR Staffing & Career... |
12:00pm | Authentic Leadership: How to be Yourself AND be Successful as a Leader |
Join Future Leaders of Yale (FLY), Diversability at Yale (DAY), and the Asian Network at Yale (ANY) for an interactive and engaging 90-minute workshop led by Shana Katz Ross of Villi and Ve Solutions... |
12:00pm | FLY Lean In Mentorship Program: Job Families at Yale |
You are a Yale employee…now what? What can you do at Yale and where can you go? Yale has numerous job families throughout its colleges and campuses, and with those families come a wide range of jobs and career paths. Come to this session to learn what exactly the different job families are and... |
12:00pm | FLY Recognition Ceremony |
Join FLY in recognizing our first ever recipients of the FLY Recognition Award! We will be announcing and celebrating this year’s awardees with Janet Lindner, FLY’s Executive Sponsor and Vice President of Human Resources and Administration. The FLY Recognition Awards were launched in 2019... |
12:00pm | FLY Steering Committee Monthly Meeting |
At each month’s FLY steering committee meeting, we discuss the issues that matter most to our community as well as how we can produce programming that best reflects FLY’s mission to empower young professionals. All members of the Yale community are invited to attend. Please RSVP to... |
12:00pm | FLY Steering Committee Monthly Meeting |
At each month’s FLY steering committee meeting, we discuss the issues that matter most to our community as well as how we can produce programming that best reflects FLY’s mission to empower young professionals. All members of the Yale community are invited to attend. Please RSVP to... |
5:00pm | Sexuality and Culture - Maria Trumpler |
Human sexuality is central to our existence and our experience but we talk about it very little and study it in very circumscribed ways. This presentation will explore a series of historical vignettes to illuminate the cultural plasticity of human sexual behavior. We... |
12:00pm | FLY Networking in Action: Create Your Own Vision Board and Introduce Your Future Self |
“Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.” ~Jack Canfield All that you are attracts all that you want. All that you do influences who you will become. Join FLY while... |
12:00pm | Affinity Group Executive Sponsor Panel |
Please join us for a highly interactive panel discussion featuring Jack Callahan, Senior Vice President for Operations, Executive Sponsor to the Yale African American Affinity Group (YAAA) and Janet Lindner, Vice President for Human Resources and Administration, Executive... |
12:00pm | FLY Monthly Steering Committee Meeting |
We welcome all those who are interested in getting involved and sharing their ideas. Anyone wishing to attend should let ... |