Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
School of Management
165 Whitney Avenue, Room 2400
New Haven, CT
You are a Yale employee…now what? What can you do at Yale and where can you go? Yale has numerous job families throughout its colleges and campuses, and with those families come a wide range of jobs and career paths. Come to this session to learn what exactly the different job families are and how you can navigate through them while advancing your career at Yale. Bring your questions! Lunch will be served. This event is co-sponsored by DiversAbility at Yale (DAY) and the Yale Veterans Network (YVN).
Our panelists are:
- Tisheena Harris, Finance & Administrative, Manager, Department of Mathematics
- Samantha Lockheed, Recruiter, Human Resources
- Ann Rho, Director of Development for Science Strategy
- Katie Suits, Manager, Candidate Development, Human Resources
Free but register in advance