Join the Working Women’s Network, Yale Latino Networking Group, Future Leaders of Yale, Asian Network at Yale, Yale African American Affinity Group, DiversAbility at Yale, LGBTQ Affinity Group, Yale Veterans Network, and Work-Life and Childcare to celebrate International Women’s Day in various locations across campus on Friday, March 8th, from 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM. Stop by a location near you to get a flower for yourself, or someone you know, to celebrate International Women’s Day. Suggested cash donations of $1 per flower are welcomed to benefit the Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Fund (CWEALF).
International Women’s Day means different things to different people. For some it’s a celebration, for others it’s a call-to-action to accelerate gender parity, and for many it’s an opportunity to align and promote relevant activity. International Women’s Day is the perfect moment for gender-focused action.
This year’s theme is: Balance for Better. Balance is not a women’s issue, it’s a business issue. The race is on for the gender-balanced boardroom, a gender-balanced government, gender-balanced media coverage, a gender-balance of employees, more gender-balance in wealth, gender-balanced sports coverage, etc. Gender balance is essential for economies and communities to thrive. We encourage you to make International Women’s Day YOUR day - and do what you can to truly make a positive difference for women everywhere.